1. Data Controller

Owner: Ewala IT services SL (hereinafter referred to as "EWALA")

Registered address: Calle Peña Brava nº21, office 1B, PI de Silvota, Llanera, Postal Code 33192, Asturias, Spain

Tax ID: ESB42987651

Telephone: +34984109069

Email: rgpd@ewala.es

This Privacy Policy applies to personal data provided to Ewala IT services SL by any means, understanding that the voluntary and free provision of your personal data implies its acceptance.

2. Purposes of data processing

EWALA will process the personal data provided for the following purposes, to the extent that there is a legal basis for each processing activity:

·         For contracting products and/or services through the website and their corresponding management.

·         To respond to inquiries and questions raised.

·         In case you submit your resume or apply for any job offer published by EWALA, your data will be processed to evaluate your application and carry out the corresponding selection and hiring procedures.

·         To carry out promotional activities related to EWALA's products and services, including the sending of commercial communications, unless the User objects or withdraws consent, if applicable.

·         To generate anonymous statistical reports on web habits and user activity on the platform.

·         To keep the User informed about EWALA's news on their Social Media profiles, if the User follows them. The User who no longer wishes to receive communications about EWALA on Social Media must stop following their profiles.

·         To comply with legal obligations.

The user guarantees that the provided data is true, accurate, complete, and up-to-date, and is responsible for any direct or indirect damage or loss that may arise from the non-compliance with this obligation. In the event of any modification to the data provided to EWALA, the user assumes the obligation to inform EWALA promptly, so that the data remains updated. In case the data is inaccurate, incomplete, or no longer necessary for its purpose, EWALA will cancel, block, and subsequently delete it.

3. Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the processing of user data by EWALA in relation to the submission of CVs and job applications is the consent of the data subject. This consent may be withdrawn at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to the withdrawal.

The management of contracting products or services through the Website, responding to inquiries and questions raised, as well as any related management, is based on the performance of the contract itself.

The processing of data for the purpose of sending electronic communications with promotions and services related to EWALA's commercial activity is based on the legitimate interest of the company.

Likewise, EWALA may use the user's personal information to comply with different legal obligations that may arise.

4. Categories of personal data processed

According to the processing purposes carried out by EWALA, the following categories of data may be processed:

·         Identifying information: name, surname, tax identification number or national identity document.

·         Contact information: email address, postal address, postal code.

·         Academic and professional or employment information: education and professional experience, qualifications, and student history.

·         Economic, financial, or banking data.

·         Other data: data provided by the user in open fields of the website forms.

·         The personal data requested are, in general and unless otherwise indicated, mandatory, so the refusal to provide them may make it impossible to provide the requested services.

5. Disclosure of personal data

As a general rule, EWALA does not disclose personal data. However, you are informed that your data may be disclosed to:

·         Security and State Forces.

·         Judicial bodies.

·         Public administrations and competent authorities, in accordance with the applicable legislation.

·         Banks and financial institutions.

·         Other professionals in the sector, in cases necessary for the execution of contracted services.

6. International transfers

EWALA does not carry out international transfers as a general rule. However, for the optimal provision of its services, EWALA may require that other service providers access your personal data as data processors located in countries outside the European Economic Area, including countries that do not provide a level of data protection equivalent to that of the Union. In this case, you are informed that your data will be processed in accordance with the European and Spanish legislation, implementing all the guarantees established therein, within the framework of service provision and compliance with the requirements established by data protection regulations.

7. Data retention

EWALA will keep your data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, unless you object or withdraw your consent, and in any case, until the expiration of the statute of limitations for any potential legal claims, without prejudice to the retention that may be necessary for the formulation, exercise, or defense of potential claims and/or as long as the applicable legislation allows it, duly blocked.

In the case of personal data provided in relation to job offers or CVs sent to EWALA by the user, they will be kept for a period of two years. After that period, the data will be deleted unless otherwise indicated by the user.

8. Data Subject Rights

The user can send a written request to EWALA, to the address indicated in the header of this Policy, or by email to rgpd@ewala.com, attaching a photocopy of their identity document, at any time and free of charge, to:

·         Withdraw the granted consents, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing prior to the withdrawal.

·         Obtain confirmation about the personal data concerning the user that EWALA is processing.

·         Access their personal data.

·         Rectify inaccurate or incomplete data.

·         Request the deletion of their data when it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, among other reasons.

·         Obtain the limitation of the processing of their data when any of the conditions established in data protection regulations are met.

·         Obtain human intervention, express their point of view, and contest automated decisions, if applicable.

·         Request the portability of their data.

·         File a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (www.agpd.es) if the user considers that EWALA has violated their rights recognized by the current data protection regulations.


9. Security measures

EWALA has implemented the necessary technical and organizational security measures to ensure the security of your personal data and to prevent its alteration, loss, unauthorized access, or processing, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the stored data, and the risks to which they are exposed, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

To ensure that EWALA's data protection guidelines always comply with the established legal requirements, the right to modify this Privacy Policy in accordance with the applicable legislation at any given time is reserved.

Last updated: July 1, 2023